Samstag, 25. Mai 2013

Adidas NEO Stylist Challenge #1

There is a new Adidas NEO challenge I'm in. Me and a few other bloggers (I just know about Fabio and Simon ) have to style four Outfits with a piece we got from the Adidas NEO label. In the following pictures it's all about the bag which I thought would be hard to combine because of it's wild pattern. I decided to keep the outfit more simple and chic. How do you like the look ? Applause to my sister Sina for doing such a great job!

Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2013

Some kind of photodiary

left : My 'goodest' friend and me in July 2012 // right : In a bar in Lübeck

left : Alice from Alicepoint and me at Fashion Week in July 2012 // right : super innovative picture of a sundown

both untitled

left : no words required // right : I thought I was looking like some kind of super hero

 left : exhibition at HAW Hamburg // right : boredom

left : untitled // right : friendship ring

left : untitled // right : lovely colours

left : untitled // right : me wearing my beloved first leatherjacket

left : I haven't been that close to ducks for ages // right : me and two of my best friends had a crazy day

left : details of my room // right : I spontaneous got my ear pierced a second time


Guten Tag! Bei mir läuft (fast) alles gut und bei euch ? Als ich eben meinen Blog durchgegangen bin habe ich gemerkt, dass ich mich lange nicht mehr dafür bedankt habe, dass ihr meinen Blog verfolgt. Über 2000 Fans auf Lookbook (wo ich mich zur Zeit viel lieber aufhalte als auf Blogs) und 633 regelmäßige Blog-Leser ist schon ne stolze Menge finde ich. Ich weiß noch, wie ich damals sagte, dass ich niemals über 300 komme, haha. Aber was bringt es einen schon, wenn sich so viele Leute meine Bilder usw. reinziehen? Natürlich macht es mich irgendwie glücklich, dennoch muss ich gestehen, dass ich mal wieder am überlegen bin, meinen Blog zu sperren / löschen.

Zu vielen Bloggern geht es um die Selbstdarstellung, kostenlose Klamotten, Einladungen und Internet-Fame. Klar, es ist schon toll, wenn man was umsonnst bekommt und bei jeder Einladung für ne Fashion Show kriege ich auch ein mega fettes Grinsen vor Freude, jedoch möchte ich nicht zu einer teils oberflächlichen, eingebildeten und egoistischen Szene gehören.
Der Grund, warum ich meinen Blog nicht so schnell aufgeben werde ist, dass ich zu viel Spaß daran habe (meine Outfits etc.) zu fotografieren und einfach einen Ort zu haben, wo ich die Bilder sammeln und (mit Freunden) teilen kann. Mir ist es egal, wenn ihr mich oder etwas auf meinem Blog scheiße findet. Wenn ihr Verbesserungsvorschläge oder etwas zu bemängeln habt könnt ihr eure Kritik gerne konstruktiv äußern, aber irgendein Gelaber wo mit Schimpfwörtern und hässlichen Gerüchten um sich geworfen wird ziehe ich mir gar nicht erst richtig rein.
It's MY blog and it's YOUR choice if you're visiting.

Dienstag, 7. Mai 2013

You're the object of my affection

And then my soul saw you and it kind of went, 'Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you.'

Samstag, 4. Mai 2013


There is something I really want everyone to know and the best way for this is posting it here on my blog. I found a great text on THIS tumblr but I've shortened it a little bit and wrote own parts (especially in the begining). Take your time and read my post. Even if you think you don't need to!
I really like to cheer people up and if you have any problems you can ALWAYS write me an e-mail or anything and I'll help you. If you think there is nobody there for you - I'll be there!

I think we should all realize that we are a wonderful piece of art. You are beautiful just the way you are! No matter what skincolour, disability, weight, height, etc. You were born to be amazing and to help this world to be a peaceful place. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
You are not ugly. Other peoples opinions on how you look or the way you dress, etc should have no affect on you. You are unique and beautiful in your own way. Don't let the opinions of those who don’t matter to you personally, make you feel horrible about yourself.

Don't self harm, you are a lovely person. You have a heart, you care about other people. You know, we all push people away, especially when we need them the most. I've been through the same thing and I know that it will make you feel better for a while. But question yourself : What will self harming solve? Nothing. It will only cause you more pain. You'll feel guilty and regret it. Whatever you want to do to yourself, don’t do it. You’re only hurting yourself more.
You will find happiness, stop self harming, do things that you enjoy doing. Do something else instead of self harm, listen to your music really loud, sing. Write in a diary. You are able to stop. Believe in yourself and never doubt the beauty that you hold. Hold on, you can do this. You have held on for so long, don’t give up now, it isn’t worth it. And it will never be worth it.

Committing suicide will not solve anything. You may think it will, you might think that it is going to solve all the problems that you ever had. But it won’t. You’re hurting all these people around you, all these people that actually care about you. You deserve to be happy and I know that I don’t know you personally, I get that and I know that I may not know exactly what you are going through but what I do know is that you deserve to be alive. And stay alive. There are so many people out there who would kill to look like you, who would kill to be you. Who would do anything to be in your shoes just for a second. And no I am not going to compare your life to someone who lives in Africa. These people that I am talking about you, live near you. They have seen how beautiful or handsome you really look and they would do anything to look like you. To have what you have. Imagine if one morning, you woke up and one of your friends had passed away, and they wrote you a note, saying all of these things. Imagine how crushed you would feel, to lose someone who was so close to you. Someone you truly cared about even though you didn’t really show it. To all these people who never truly show that they care about someone, you better start showing people because you can actually save lives. It means a lot you know, to know that someone will actually always be there for you. To know that someone out there in this world can genuinely care about you.

Don’t listen to those people who try to bring you down: Because they don’t matter, and they never will. Not if they are trying to bring you down. It just shows how pathetic that they really are. Who are these people who don’t even matter, who are they to bring you down? Who are they to make you feel bad about yourself? They don’t even matter to you in your life. So why should their opinion on you, matter in any way? You just need to see that it doesn’t matter and don’t ever let the past break you, never let what you went through turn you into a weaker person, because you’re strong. You really are.