Samstag, 8. September 2012

you taste like whiskey

The xx's new album is just pure ear orgasm. Can't stop listening to it ! My favourites are 'Missing' and 'Unfold'. And yours ? On the picture I'm wearing my friends jacket. We spontaneous swapped it for the day and I loved to combine the pattern to that oversized white shirt. I found love in oversized tops and would like to buy some more in XL. I maybe dye my hair brown but I'm not quite sure about it. Do you think I should do it ? Or maybe another colour..

8 Kommentare:

Dennis Boldt hat gesagt…

Nice Outfit! :)

// Bei mir läuft gerade eine Blogvorstellung! :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

ja färben, dann siehst du noch hässlicher aus!

Duck hat gesagt…

I am all about the oversized tops. But then they do look better on skinnier models so maybe you should experiment with them more :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

du kannst die haare ja erstmal tönen um zu schauen wies aussieht :))
das xx album wird morgen gekauft!

Marco Cavasso hat gesagt…

Fantastic blog and nice post !!
Visit and follow my blog at:

xo xo

Pat hat gesagt…

Really cool outift man!

Anonym hat gesagt…

I love oversized tops. Too bad I do not have those long slim legs and not that skinny.
You look good in it!

Anonym hat gesagt…

I love this outfit especially it's proportions
